Sunday, March 1, 2009

An Inner Sea

A broad hole found in the Dutch dike gets its way through along with noisy cracks Water and bursting foam on the surface goes ahead towards the planned city. The Flood is also awaited. People is arguing in front of the First, the Second or a Third, familiar or professional Arguments set them free from the hideous sorrow the flames warn at its loudest. The flood has extracted them all from home, distributed them all over the fields, its temperature, and its unprotection. My already pathologic indecission leaves me by naked I assure not to miss the hold that is grown by the Return. A Place not from my own (it's true the city is due to me; however, I did not completely belong) followed by an identical one, I get inside no matter that and ask for an expensive dish. I'm starving. Dissatisfaction applies its annoying show in before the astonishing look of noone.
The city refurbished and it's getting late. The strangers wait for me. My youth is no price for the next upcoming of the rain, it still drops. It is not acceptable to wish for another crash in the dike. I begin to notice how the heat in this place evaporates my bodily water and I fade.

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