So I have $150 for the next 38 days. That accounts for $3.947 a day. From this moment on, I'll approximate to the closest cent. Let's throw some numbers:
I need milk. By buying a litre every 2 days, I'll spend ($1.76×19days) = $33.44
Another option is to get milk every three days, which will cost me ($1.76×13) = $22.88
Counting the time by the amount of milk I will drink along days as units of time, I come up with the terms Twice A Milk (2D-a-M) and Three Times a Milk (3D-a-M).
Funny thing. Have you seen the table of 1.76? I'll put it at the end.
I also buy rice or pasta that lasts for me 4 days each. With prices ranging around $2.4, I'll spend ($2.40×2×9) = $43.20
I buy a mixture of sugared flakes and oatmeal to last 5 days. At a maximum price of $5, the cost is ($5×8) = $ 40
The survival state will be completed with a carton of eggs for the month at $10.
Oh alright, let's add a bag of cookies every 3 days ($1.99×13) = $25.87
Day twice a Milk:
So far, that gives me a subtotal of $152.51 or a daily spending of $4.01, meaning I'll have a $52.51 debt a month and a ¢7 debt a day. The lack of consideration for this out of control state will pop out somewhere between this line and the final.
Day three times a Milk:
Gives a subtotal of $141.95 or a daily spending of $3.74 wich means $8.05 free a month and ¢21 free a day.
How to tab a table into plain text:
Mode | Subtotal | Daily Spending | Period Remaining Amount | Daily Remaining Amount
------ ------- ------- ------- -------
2D-a-M* | $152.51 | $4.01 | -$2.51 | -¢7
3D-a-M**| $141.95 | $3.74 | $8.05 | ¢21
I am a pig. I am drinking way too much milk. I'm so fat. That's what makes me so unattractive. That's why nobody loves me. I am a transaturated fat companion human transport. I'm just as ugly on the inside as what everyone scares of in the outside. I'll drink a unit less of day a milk. that That would be the end of the first part of my first Argentinian Survival Paper. I will continue.
The drains of my behavior might rely on
Teeth Cleaning Substitute Gum: A sudden purchase because of an oral discomfort. The answer is simple. Wash my teeth three times a day (Stand correctly).
(Monthly waste of $12)
Yumi's breakfast: This delicious girl which I hang out at classes always makes me buy even more delicious breakfasts, but the neath truth is that I can afford her. It. God. I have the running away choice or the honest one that will make me look like begging for food. Oh she's so nice. I have no other choice.
(Monthly waste of $60 Holy Cow)
Wednesday Choripan: A nice and typical side I have nothing but to recommend. I don't think anyone searching for food critique will end in here, but I will give space only to point that this restaurant is located in Maipú St., between Corrientes Ave. and Lavalle walking road. It is the best of the city and it costs only $4.
(Monthly waste of $16)
An usual and timely inaccurate feeling of starvation: Just add water.
Metro's fake promos: I will not surrender only for the unused stock of last season at multinational food corporations. Period.
(Monthly waste of ($18)
Long Distance Calls: I'll write a lot of mails. That oughta do.
(Monthly waste of $60+)
Transportation: Walk. Run.
(Monthly waste of $14.40)
The noneconomical consequences of my savings state is
the chance of losing friends, sex partners, and what is more important, business contacts.
unhealthy weight loss. But I needed that.
selfishness. I'm so tired of sharing. I did not run out from a family to jump right into another one!
The allowed gaps of spending, which have been proggrammed in a separated account is
Gym: Not more than $75. I'll have to add the jumpsuit.
Copies: Not more than $10. I already spent more than $100 on valuable books, I think that's pretty enough!
Rent: $380 at most. Hopefully I'll get a nicer cheaper place.
Loan: Not this month. But a digital unwired telephonic device is a must.
Deposits: It's a returnable fund. With the increasing of ARP, it's almost an investment.
Bills: If a new nice place is found, cannot exceed the $200.
Cutlery: Spend nothing. I have survived so far. Unless I need a matress and blankets.
Sex: It is all up to Yumi. I'll pay anything. There's no point on trying to look less desperate.
All things considerded, my total spending in the next month will be $846.95.
Discounting extremely occasional spendings, the Natural Survival Spending Amount accounts for $601.95. The Natural Survival Spending Amount will be defined as the minimum, which means the optimal, cost of life of me in Buenos Aires. Refering to the question in the audience, the rate is somewhat useful for other currencies. Will analyse some possible use destinations through two techniques: The Equally Proportionate Fares and the Converted Fares.
Bogotá (As the costliest city in its country): Equally, I believe it is possible to live in a regular place, maybe only a room. In there the transportation is almost mandatory. Convertedly, is impossible, let's consider that is the so called Colombian legal minimum wage ($452.590 COP)
This excercise must be replied on our next ideal destinations: Brasilia, New York, London, Hong Kong, and Mongolia.
Concluding remarks: Very little. I'm tired and I want to end. I feel guilty for taking on all this trouble (wait, I'm still missing the translation, ha). Writing this, even to noone in particular, makes me feel like it will come true. Any update I'll inform. What for. My only wish is there is a billion of me so general waste will end in the world. Although if such thing is not possible, that will mean that someone or something is carrying on some of my expenses. I'll feel bad. Pigger. Uncommunicative. Free.
$1.76 x 1 = $ 1.76 | $1.76 x 11 = $19.36
$1.76 x 2 = $ 3.52 | $1.76 x 12 = $21.12
$1.76 x 3 = $ 5.28 | $1.76 x 13 = $22.88
$1.76 x 4 = $ 7.04 | $1.76 x 14 = $24.64
$1.76 x 5 = $ 8.80 | $1.76 x 15 = $64.40
$1.76 x 6 = $10.56 | $1.76 x 16 = $28.16
$1.76 x 7 = $12.32 | $1.76 x 17 = $29.92
$1.76 x 8 = $14.08 | $1.76 x 18 = $31.68
$1.76 x 9 = $15.84 | $1.76 x 19 = $33.44
$1.76 x 10 = $17.60 | $1.76 x 20 = $35.20