My Inner being strips in the process of calling hundreds, maybe thousands of American individuals. I'm realizing, by surprise, what does it mean that we live in the same world.
I can't be a pushy seller. I just have to be nice so I don't stop hating myself after standing sit and putting up with the continuous flows of phones hung and people mad yelling and telling me this will go deep for our company because we were trying to make a sale to a government-protected phone line. I cannot injure unknown people just for the sake of it. I though I could. So should I bother a man while resting in the suburbs just because his cell was on? Or to the extent, a working fellow in a middle-to-high level of stress with no time and who finally makes no international calls at all? I'm so not made for this. I can't believe anyone is. Another prove I just don't belong. What for. That is the only explanation I find for there is people who can while I can't.
So I talk to people nicely. They say "no, thanks" and I excuse myself for the time given. I'll never make a sale, today it's been 1:18 since I started and nothing. I care not. Hopefully I get fired. I don't belong and yes, yes, it might be a different time zone her, but hours last the same everywhere. Crs